Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Get off Your Duff and Start Self-publishing!

Some people wonder if there is a need for another blog on self-publishing.  You might ask "What expertise do you add to this subject?"  

My answer- nothing.  That's right. nada.

My hope is that I become an encouragement to other new self-publishers.  You've got to learn by doing.  I'm going to put into practice what I learn and jump in.  Blind.  And you're going to hear about it.

You'll learn my mistakes, my troubles and my triumphs.

Hopefully, there will be others out there who will see this and decide that they too can put away their fears.  Fear is the great killer of human achievement.  To quote a crazy man (10 points if you can guess who), "Fear is the dark room where the Devil develops his negatives."  I have no idea what it means, except that fear sucks.

 Screw fear.  Get out there with reckless abandon and start publishing blind too.